During this sprint we wanted to show a way to be more innovated by embracing Agile
Development as a viable development methodology. This will allow us to deliver
information technology faster across key business units during this process. With
our focus on this website, our goal is to help out the business world. We need a
different approach than our standard Waterfall Methodology of the SDLC process.
Our first approach is to define the benefits and charting out the Benefits of Agile
Management. A simple research on the web and showing the group how this will be a
benefit our group. This was enough of an incentive to proceed further.
Our next steps are to meet with Paul, our Product Owner. Paul had already meet with
Rob, the Business Analyst. Rob found out from the sponsors of what was expected.
Most of the requirements were communicated through the Initiation Document but
this was further broken down. Now that there was a more definitive direction, Paul,
the Product Owner brought to the group the requirements in detail.
Each of these requirement were written separately on index cards. We took each of
these cards and put them in the order of the businesses priority. This now created
our Product Backlog. Each index card will represent a User Story. With the Product
backlog set with its requirements and prioritized we've now completed the Backlog
Grooming, Out of this became a Sprint Backlog.
Paul, our Product Owner was then ready to start the next Sprint Planning Meeting.
Paul gathered the team together. Including Janet, the Scrum Master and the rest of
the Scrum Team. This team was defined in the Feasibility Phase of the project and
currently this still holds true.
Bob (Developer)
Jesus (Designer)
Kim (User Business Requirements)
Mark (Tester)
Raghid (Developer)
Sue (Tester)
We had a couple of problems at first. One of the managers of the Finance
Department asked Bob for a change in the Finance software and Janet had to step in
because Bob is a resource for this project. One of Janet's responsibilities is to
recognize case like this one and protects the team from these types of interruptions.
Starting out at first there was another issue with Paul pushing what he thought was
his role, He insisted on one of the User Stories should be done first. Although it
ended up being done in the first score, it was explained to him, the team would
determine the priority of the Sprint Planning. Paul in this structure does not have the
authority to make demands.
Paul will define the a hierarchy for the team but the team will determine what will fit in
the next Sprint to be delivered. The team will go through a structured process called
the Daily Scrum Meeting. About a 15 Minute meeting held in the morning.
Each member will report: What did I do yesterday, What will I do today, and what is
impeding me from doing my job. This is where Bob brought up the issue of the
Finance Manager asking him to do something.
From the last implementation some other suggestions came in. These requests will
be added to the Product Backlog. We made sure the suggestions were shown in this
During this sprint we wanted to show the Product Backlog and the current Sprint
Backlog. We wanted to show what process we went through developing this Sprint. At
the same time we had other requirements of displaying a Sprint Planning Meeting,
creating multiple tabs for the site for better navigation, and as suggested showing all
individuals involved with Agile Management,
Check out the Sprint Meeting tab and see details of one of our Sprint meetings.
I wanted to thank Rich for the suggestions of color coding the names. This helps
visualize the individuals mentioned.
AnyStandard.net's goal is to help out the business world.
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Questions or suggestions please write me
I'm always looking to add more
2nd Sprint
People and Revenue quotes in this site and
documents attached to this site are only for
demonstration purposes. All names and dollar figures
are fictitious.
Sept 25th
Agile Management Project