This site is in it's infant stage. Don't be discourage though because I plan
on this to be developed fairly quickly. Ironically, this will be a project about
this site being developed.
I'm also looking to Linked-In individuals for input. As progress continues
you will see this site grow to what I hope will be another valuable site for
any business.
My business,'s goal is to help out the business world.
www.VirtualBusinessAnalyst was my last successful site. A site to use for a
successful plan of action when a task or project needs to be completed. A
helpful site for the Business Analyst.
My plan is to follow the SDLC process. A common process for most projects.
8 steps to follow.
Initiation (Done)
Feasibility (in Progress)
Post Implementation
I will also be introducing Agile Project management. Delivering portions of
this project as you see this being developed,
Return to this site frequently and see how it is being developed,
Please Visit
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Questions or suggestions please write me
I'm always looking to add more
Phase: Feasibility
Below is the Project Progress
Sept 8th
People and Revenue quotes in this site and documents
attached to this site are only for demonstration purposes. All
names and dollar figures are fictitious.
Agile Management Project