This phase will define the next steps in the project. We will be working with
the Product Owner to define the newest features and to determine the next
release date.
Since this is the first time we've done Agile Practices we have another task
of Agile Assessment. Because of this we will conduct an Agile Assessment
for finding out potential new Agile practices and validate the selected new
methods in pilot projects before deploying them in organizational
We will do deployment planning, initial deployment, have a post-iteration
workshop, and continuous improvement of organizational practices.
We will be evaluating the Agile practices, benefits, the traditional practices
and determining the new potential Agile practices.
Also, this will be the first time we gather the Scrum team. Our Scrum Master
will work closely with the Business Analyst to make sure management he is
aware of the initial intent. She will also establish the team as fully functional
and productive. This intervention the will assure management and team
how the project will be handled.
There is technically no backlog but being the 1st install, the initial goal will
be defined. As goals do get defined, during this sprint planning session,
along with the next release date any outstanding issues(Next backlog) will
also be logged.
This posting you are reading right now is actually the result of the 1st
sprint. The mission for the this install was to get out our intentions of how
the project will be handled.
Backlog -
Set up new Agile practices.
Define a better way to navigate this site.
There is too much information needing to be displayed.
Redesign site with multiple tabs.
AnyStandard.net's goal is to help out the business world.
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I'm always looking to add more
1st Sprint
Sept. 12th
Goals for this sprint was to display how the project will be handled,
People and Revenue quotes in this site and documents
attached to this site are only for demonstration purposes. All
names and dollar figures are fictitious.
Agile Management Project